“Weak ferromagnetism in Fe1−xCoxSb2”
- Authors
Rongwei Hu, R.P. Hermann, F. Grandjean, Y. Lee, J.B. Warren, V.F. Mitrović, and C. Petrovic
- Journal
Physical Review B
Vol.76, No.22, pp.224422, 2007.12 - DOI
Weak ferromagnetism in Fe1−xCoxSb2 is studied by magnetization and Mössbauer measurements. A small spontaneous magnetic moment of the order of ∼10−3μB appears along the ˆb axis for 0.2≤x≤0.4. Based on a structural analysis, we argue against extrinsic sources of weak ferromagnetism. We discuss our results in the framework of the nearly magnetic electronic structure of the parent compound FeSb2.